Case Studies
Past Due Benefit$335,000World War II Veteran receives service connection for Meniere’s Disease
Past Due Benefit$440,000Veteran obtains a higher rating for a back disorder, depression, and wins TDIU
Past Due Benefit$270,000This Veteran is severely disabled due to Major Depression
Past Due Benefit$280,000This Veteran is service connected for numerous physical disabilities
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)$120,000This Veteran was service connected for PTSD but rated at only 50 percent
Past Due Benefit$241,000This Veteran was sexually assaulted in the service
Past Due Benefit$100,000This Veteran of the Vietnam War had multiple disabilities
Past Due Benefit$80,000This Veteran served in the Navy during the Korean Conflict era and later developed asbestosis
Past Due Benefit$300,000Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome, organic brain syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome
Past Due Benefit$375,000Veteran is severely disabled due to PTSD and a psychotic disorder
Past Due Benefit$190,000The Veteran developed kidney disease after serving in the Army during the Korean Conflict era.
Past Due Benefit$145,000The veteran is totally disabled due to PTSD from a military sexual assault
Past Due Benefit$250,000Veteran totally disabled after a brain injury in service
Past Due Benefit$311,000Veteran disabled due to PTSD
Past Due Benefit$100,000DIC Benefits for widow of deceased veteran
Past Due Benefit$150,000Service connection for the cause of death for a widow of a deceased veteran
Past Due Benefit$225,000Successful TDIU, DEA and SMC for Vietnam/Peacetime Veteran
Past Due Benefit$205,000100% rating and earlier effective date for Meniere’s Disease for Kosovo Veteran