CAVC Case Studies
Remand for Renal Failure
Remand for Duty to Assist and Failing to Comply with a Prior Remand
Remand in a Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome Case
Remand for Increased Rating for Service-Connected Prostate Cancer
Remand for Leg and Flat Feet Disabilities
Remand for a Shoulder Disability Involving New and Material Evidence (Legacy Claim)
Remand for Waiver of Indebtedness
Remand for PTSD and Testicle Claim
Remand in Section 1151 Claim Based on Duty to Assist Violation
Remand for Sinus Disability
Remand for Hypertension Claim
Remand in Multiple Sclerosis Case for Failing to Consider Whiplash as a Potential Cause for the MS
Remand for Spine Disability Based on the Failure to Consider Journal Entries
Remand for Elbow Disability
Remand Based on the Board’s Failure to Address Extraschedular Evaluation
Remand in a PTSD Case for Not Addressing Fear of Hostile Attack
Remand On Rebutting the Presumption of Soundness
Remand for Hypertension Due to Duty to Assist for a Medical Exam