Free Educational Resources

When trying to get the VA disability benefits you deserve, knowledge is power. As veterans benefits attorneys representing disabled veterans worldwide, we have seen VA deny many cases that could have been won. In most of those cases if the veteran or his surviving spouse would have had access to the right information they could have won their claim.

Over the years we have discovered the common reasons why VA denies claims or why it rejects favorable evidence. We have also developed a knowledge base of information about the best ways to respond to VA’s usual tactics in denying claims. As veterans disability benefits lawyers, our greatest asset is our knowledge. Although we cannot represent everyone, we endeavor to make empowering information available to as many as possible.

Some of the answers to these issues can be found in our educational resource library below. You can also sign up to receive a free copy of our Veterans Guide to Disability Claims, which answers many of the common concerns facing a veteran who is appealing the denial of his claim.

So we invite you to take advantage of the free resources here on this site. The information in these resources represents just a small fraction of the knowledge that we, as veterans disability lawyers, have acquired over the years in helping disabled veterans win their appeals. If the VA has denied your claim, then search our database for answers. If you still need more information or assistance, then I invite you to contact our office to discuss how our veterans benefits attorneys can help.


Articles on Winning Strategies

Board of Veterans Appeals

Building Your Case

General Procedural Questions

Hiring a Lawyer

Medical Records & Exams

PTSD and Mental Claims

Reopened Claims

US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims

Useful Links & Resources

VA Duty to Assist

VA Law & Regulations