
VA Disability Ratings for Depression

An Essential Guide for U.S. Veterans

An estimated 33% of percent U.S. veterans experience symptoms of depression, with nearly 13% exhibiting signs of major depressive disorder. Traumatic events like family separation, combat exposure, injury, death of comrades, military abuse, and challenges acclimating to civilian life after service can have lasting and debilitating effects.

Veterans with depression may struggle to form social relationships, maintain employment, and perform daily tasks. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recognizes depression as a ratable disability. Veterans with depression can secure a 70% rating, 100% rating, or even Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU).

But getting a VA disability rating for depression isn’t easy. VA repeatedly denies depression claims for eligible U.S. military veterans.

Why does the VA deny depression claims? The VA will argue that the veteran does not have an official diagnosis of depression. The VA might say the veteran did not prove a traumatic in-service event caused their major depressive disorder.

Winning VA disability for depression requires the use of very specific language, evidence of diagnosis, and service connection in your claim. In many cases, veterans have difficulty finding convincing evidence of service connection. It is rare for a service member to report depression symptoms or seek treatment for mental health issues during service. There are likely no military records of such reports or treatments.

So, how do veterans qualify for a depression claim? To win a VA rating for depression, veterans must file a claim that includes (1) the required evidence of a depression diagnosis and (2) the required evidence of depression service connection.

The free eBook, VA Disability Ratings for Depression: An Essential Guide for U.S. Veterans, provides a straightforward, step-by-step approach to help veterans understand VA depression ratings, prepare a successful VA claim for depression, and appeal if the VA has denied your depression claim.

VA Disability Ratings for Depression

What’s in the eBook?

  • Symptoms of Depression in U.S. Military Veterans
  • Treatment Options for Depression in Veterans
  • VA Disability Ratings for Depression
  • How to Win a VA Claim for Depression
  • Getting a Medical Nexus Letter for VA Depression Claims
  • Establishing Service Connection for Depression
  • How to Dispute a Denied VA Claim for Depression

Veterans can reduce the risk of errors and delays by submitting a well-prepared, clear, and concise TDIU claim. A solid claim can speed up the entire TDIU claims process, ensuring you receive your monthly payment as fast as possible after filing.

Your Hands-On Guide to Preparing
Successful Depression Disability Claims

  • 1

    How to Get a VA-Approved Depression Diagnosis

  • 2

    How to Prove Service Connection for Depression

  • 3

    How to Appeal Denied VA Claims for Depression

  • 4

    How to Increase Your VA Rating for Depression