Do you know of a company attempting to defraud the service-disabled veteran owned small business program?
Our SDVOSB Whistleblower Lawyers help veterans and others report SDVOSB fraud and maximize their cash awards.
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The following information is provided to help you improve your chances of getting your VA benefits claim approved.
If you would like to talk to me, Eric Gang, an experienced VA disability attorney at no charge to you, call my office at (888) 912-1739 today.
Since the founding of our nation, small businesses have shaped the core of the American economy. Congress is specifically interested in supporting small businesses owned by service-disabled veterans.
The U.S. government sets aside 3% of its small business contracts for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses (SDVOSB) in order to level the playing field and help disabled veterans compete and flourish amidst huge, more successful corporations.

While thousands of combat wounded and service disabled men and women work hard to succeed in American business, corrupt business owners continue to defraud the U.S. government by falsely claiming they are eligible for these set-aside service-disabled veteran-owned small business contracts.
When these fraudsters illegally secure SDVOSB contracts, our nation’s taxpayers and legitimate service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses suffer.
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Government pays large cash awards to
whistleblowers who report SDVOSB fraud
The Veterans Benefits Act of 2003 established a procurement program for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, allowing contracting officers to restrict competition to SDVOSBs and award set-aside contracts to businesses that meet certain criteria.
Qualification criteria for service-disabled veteran-
owned small
business contracts include:
Service-connected disability validated by the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense.
< 500 employees and < $5,000,000 annual revenue.
Service-disabled veteran is unconditional owner of 51% of the business.
Service-disabled veteran holds the highest officer position of the business.
Service-disabled veteran ownership must be direct (a company owned by another entity that is owned and controlled by a service-disabled veteran is not eligible).
Service-disabled veteran must control decision making, day-to-day management and administration of business operations (in the case of permanent and severe disability, the veteran’s spouse or caregiver may control the business).
Want More SDVOSB
You might be entitled to a substantial cash award. When a company obtains a SDVOSB contract that does not meet the above criteria, that business may be submitting claims to the U.S. government in violation of the federal False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729 – 3733. When a whistleblower’s information leads to government recovery of funds, the False Claims Act offers that whistleblower between 15% and 30% of the total government recovery.
Common False Claims Act violations committed by fraudulent SDVOSB contractors include:
Misrepresenting company size or earnings
Misrepresenting veteran company ownership
Misrepresenting veteran company control
Modifying corporate structure to indicate veteran owns controlling interest and manages day-to-day affairs.
Creating a business owned by a disabled veteran, then passing the work on to a non-qualifying business.
Claiming SDVOSB status when the owner is not a service-disabled veteran.
If you feel your company has fraudulently obtained a SDVOSB contract, contact us to learn whether your information qualifies you for a cash whistleblower award in a free, fully confidential consultation. Call (888) 878-9350 or E-mail.
Red Flags that Alert Whistleblowers to SDVOSB Contractor Fraud
Several activities occurring in your place of employment or your competitor’s company serve as good indicators that the business is committing SDVOSB contract fraud.
These red flags may include:
Payroll records show minimal SDVOSB work.
Minimal employee presence at “official” address.
Points of contact mostly through larger company.
Corporate records altered to list veteran in controlling capacity.
Employees unaware controlling member is a veteran.
Veteran has little on-site presence or contact with the contracting agency.
Payroll records show veteran does not receive top company pay.
Veteran receives one-time payment or ongoing, low salary payments.
SDVOSB whistleblowers are the nation’s number one defense against service-disabled veteran-owned small business fraud. Together, we can help combat SDVOSB fraud and level the competitive playing field for our heroic and deserving veterans. Contact our lawyers today for a fully confidential, free case evaluation.
Call our office toll free at (888) 878-9350 for your free case evaluation for your SDVOSB claim.
Legal protections for SDVOSB whistleblowers
Worried about employer retaliation? False Claims Act anti-retaliation provisions prohibit employers from firing, demoting, harassing, denying promotion or otherwise discriminating against employees or other individuals because they choose to report a violation.
Defense contractor whistleblowers subjected to retaliation have the right to sue for damages, including double back pay, interest on lost wages, job reinstatement and attorneys’ fees and costs. Air Force, Marines, Navy and Army veterans and others with knowledge of SDVOSB fraud are encouraged to call or email and learn more about whistleblower rights in a free, fully confidential consultation.
Call our office toll free at (888) 878-9350 because you no longer have to “go it alone.”
Time limits on whistleblower claims
restrict award eligibility
Act fast! False Claims Act “first to file” bars mean only the first individual to report an incident of SDVOSB fraud is eligible to collect a cash whistleblower award. In addition, numerous federal and state statutes of limitations apply.
Our firm works exclusively for veterans. Call (888) 878-9350 or E-mail